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Ancient and Mediaeval History Class 01 VEDIC AGE (09:12 AM) Advent of Aryans Around 1500 BCE, mainly tribal communities from Central Asia or steppes grasslands of Russia started to enter into Indian subcontinent.  They belong to Aryan linguistic community, which means their languages were quite similar in terms of sound.  They were semi nomadic and pastoralist in nature. They were always in search of good pasture land.  They were successful in Indian Sub-Continent because of their use of horses and horse driven chariots, which provided swiftness to their army.  Apart from it, they also use good quality bronze weapons, which further included helmets and mail coats.  The very first activity of Aryans after settling in Indian subcontinent was the Composition of Veda. Rig Veda was the first composition, followed by Sam Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda.  Early Vedic Period (09:31 AM) After their arrival in India, Aryans settled mainly in North and North Western part of Indian subcontinent.  These areas in Vedic texts are referred to as Aryavart and Brahmavart. In Rig Veda, some of the important rivers were mentioned, which are as follows: Indus ⇾ Sindhu Jhelum ⇾ Vitasta Chenab⇾ Ashkini Ravi⇾ Parushani Beas⇾ Bipasa Satluj⇾ Shatudri Saraswati⇾...
Ancient and Mediaeval History Class 01

VEDIC AGE (09:12 AM)

Advent of Aryans

  • Around 1500 BCE, mainly tribal communities from Central Asia or steppes grasslands of Russia started to enter into Indian subcontinent. 
  • They belong to Aryan linguistic community, which means their languages were quite similar in terms of sound. 
  • They were semi nomadic and pastoralist in nature.
  • They were always in search of good pasture land. 
  • They were successful in Indian Sub-Continent because of their use of horses and horse driven chariots, which provided swiftness to their army. 
  • Apart from it, they also use good quality bronze weapons, which further included helmets and mail coats. 
  • The very first activity of Aryans after settling in Indian subcontinent was the Composition of Veda.
  • Rig Veda was the first composition, followed by Sam Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda. 

Early Vedic Period (09:31 AM)

  • After their arrival in India, Aryans settled mainly in North and North Western part of Indian subcontinent. 
  • These areas in Vedic texts are referred to as Aryavart and Brahmavart.
  • In Rig Veda, some of the important rivers were mentioned, which are as follows:
  • Indus ⇾ Sindhu
  • Jhelum ⇾ Vitasta
  • Chenab⇾ Ashkini
  • Ravi⇾ Parushani
  • Beas⇾ Bipasa
  • Satluj⇾ Shatudri
  • Saraswati⇾ Naditarna and sometimes also referred as Matetama. 
  • Rig Veda also mentions to Mountain ranges as Himavana (Greater Himalayas); and Mujuvanta (Middle and Lower Himalayas)

Economy during Early Vedic Period:

  • Cattle was the most important economic wealth of Early Aryans. 
  • Even battles were organized to secure large numbers of cattle.
  • The importance of cattle is highlighted through many words mentioned in Rig Veda which are associated with cattle. 
  • Gavyu⇾ Cow
  • Gavisthi⇾ Search for cows
  • Godhuma⇾ The plant which emerges from cow dung
  • Gopajanya⇾ Master of the cows
  • Godhuli⇾ Dusk
  • Duhitri⇾ Milchar of cow (daughter) 
  • Aghanya⇾ the one which must not be killed
  • Goghana⇾ The most important guest who is served beef
  • From the Vedic text, the use of metals like Copper and Gold is testified. 
  • Copper was named as Ayas and Gold as Nishka
  • Bhaga and Bali⇾, which was basically voluntary support to the chief of the Aryan community.
  • Agriculture⇾ Barli i.e. Yava and Goduma i.e. Wheat were regarded as the second important crops out of which Yava is the most important

Polity during Early Vedic (10:06 AM)

  • The head of the Aryan community was known as Rajan.
  • His most important work was to protect his people and organised battle to secure a large number of cattle.
  • Rajan was assisted by many political assemblies at this time, which are as follows: 
  • a) Sabha⇾ It was an exclusive assembly, mainly consisted of elders from the society. 
  • It included both males and females. 
  • It was the most decisive assembly which gave aid and advise to Rajan. 
  • b) Samiti⇾ Samiti was an inclusive assembly which was constituted to choose the Rajan. Otherwise, it didn’t have much role in decision-making.  It only included the men from society.
  • Vidhata⇾ It was a limited assembly and its functions were mainly associated with religious rituals. It included both Men and Women.
  • Bharat clan of Aryans was the most powerful Aryan tribe in India.
  • After the death of its ruler Divodasa, his son Sudas was appointed as Rajan. 
  • Sudas⇾ has to take very important decision i.e. appointment of Chief priest. 
  • He appointed Vashisht Rishi as the chief priest and rejected the claim of vishwamitra. 
  • Humiliated Vishwamitra persuaded 10 kings or Dasrajan to fight with Sudas. 
  • The Historic battle happened on the banks of river Parushani in which Sudas defeated Dasrajan. 
  • He annexed the areas of Dasrajan and named it BharathVarsha

Society during Early Vedic (10:28 AM)

  • Society was organized on the lines of Kula, Vansha (Jana) and Gram.
  • The most important unit of the society was Family or Kula.
  • The eldest male member of the family was given the position of Head of Family, and he was referred to as Kulapa. 
  • Society was Patriarchal in nature, but Women were accorded very high respect in the society. 
  • They enjoyed political rights, and they were members of political assemblies like Sabha and Vidhata.
  • They were also allowed to participate in educational discourses. 
  • For example, one of the intellectual women of this time was Lopamudra (Wife of Agastya Rishi)
  • No instance of Child marriage is reported from the Early Vedic period. 
  • Widow Remarriage was also allowed in the society under Niyoga Vivah. 
  • Love Marriage was allowed under Gandharva Vivah Vyavastha.
  • Instances of Polygamy were quite visible in society, but rarely polyandry was also found.
  • Slavery also existed in the society and there were two types of the slaves: Dasa and Dasyu
  • Dasa: They were defeated Aryans. Sometimes they were given favourable positions in society. 
  • Dasyu: They were defeated non-Aryans.
  • They were highly discriminated and sometimes their mass killing was also performed. 
  • For example, the mention of the word Dasyu Hatya in Rig Veda. 

Religious Practices During EVP (11:11 AM)

  • Early Vedic Aryans started to personify the element of nature into God. 
  • Accordingly, the majority of the natural elements were ascribed to a God.
  • Indra – God of Rain and thunder. He was the most important Early Vedic God, whose name is mentioned in Rig Veda more than 250 times. 
  • He was also referred to as Purandhar which means breaker of the forts.
  • Agni-God of fire is regarded as the second important Early Vedic God.
  • He is considered as Intermediary God and worship of other Gods happened through Agni. 
  • Third Important God was Varun (God of Water) followed by Soma (God of Plants) and Mitra (God of Air)
  • Pushan was regarded as the God of Animals.
  • Female deity’s like Ila; Usha; Nisha; Aditi; Savitri and Swah were also worshipped at this time. 
  • Gayatri Mantra, composed by Vishvamitra and was dedicated to the Sun and Savitri.
  • The Mode of Worship at this time was through Chanting and recitation of Mantra and performance of Vedic rituals and sacrifices. 
  • The objective of Worship at this time was material gain, but not spiritual growth. 

Later Vedic Era (11:35 AM)

  • Around 1000 BCE, iron was discovered for the first time in any part of the world.
  • The Early Aryans found huge deposits of Iron at Atranjkhera and Jakhera.
  • With Iron, they created very sharp weapons and tools.
  • With the sharp tools, they started to clear the dense forest of Gangetic Valley.
  • They further penetrated into the Eastern Part, Central India and finally to Southern India.
  • In the Later Vedic text-
  • Eastern India is referred as Purvakhand;
  • Central India as Madhyadesh
  • Southern India as Dakshinapantha
  • Later Vedic text also mentions rivers like Ganga, Yamuna, and Gandak which was referred as Sadanira.

Economy During Later Vedic Period (11:47 AM)

  • At this point of time, agricultural land became the most important economic wealth. 
  • Though the cattle was important, but not in comparison to land. 
  • The Term “Rashtra” was mentioned in the Later Vedic text. It signifies the importance of Agricultural land. 
  • The most important function of Rajan was to organise battle to secure a large tract of land. 
  • Apart from Barley and Wheat, Rice also emerged as the most important agricultural commodity. It was referred to as Vrihi.
  • The taxation system was still similar to early Vedic period, i.e. Bagha and Balli.


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